Playing marriage


playiThe society of this age has led us to believe that playing marriage is constituted which is not we are seeing many people living together and sharing everything. Usually there is a law that protect married couples when they decide to separate for whatsoever reason it may be. Laws like in community of property and out of community of property. These laws will help a married couple to have a civil and clean divorces.

What is marriage?

  1. The legally or formally recognized union of a man and a woman (or, in some jurisdictions, two people of the same sex) as partners in a relationship
  2. God instituted marriage as a covenant between one man and one woman, a lifelong union of two partners created in God’s image to govern and manage the earth for him.

There are key words that I have highlighted firstly, let’s take legally; this means that there will be some sort of contract to be sign that will say that you are married to so and so and you are protected by certain acts as a legally married couple.

Formally recognised would be that you are married traditionally (paid lobola) and you are recognised as a wife of so and so and the family is aware of your union.

Covenant; as the bible states that man will leave his mother and father and be united with his wife that is an oath made by a couple before God, remember that a rib was taken out of a man to create a woman this assures us that each and every men has a partner out there.

Now an issue at hand is that we are playing marriage (what we commonly regard as vat n sit) when we should be married, why are we dragging and why are we still playing mama and papa? Do we have the fear of the unknown or are we afraid of long term commitment? What is the matter? Some says it the burden that comes with it, some say they are happy the way they are, some, they can’t stay in one relationship for a long time it becomes boring and some even say marriage changes people.

I personally think that love is a beautiful thing and to be loved back it’s ecstatic, love conquers all and I believe that when two people love, respects and trusts one another they should come together as one and get married. Does the age matter? For me it doesn’t, if you know that you are mature enough to be married why not? When I say maturity I speak of a woman who can you take care of herself, nurture a child, a lady who is groomed enough to please and satisfy her husband. A woman who can cook not only for herself but for others as well. A lady who is willing to compromise certain aspects of her life for somebody else. For a man, are you man enough to leave your family and be with her? Are you ready quit the game and focus on only her that being your wife, can you provide and protect? If the answers to all these questions is yes then you can take a wife.

In conclusion, let’s stop this thing of going with the flow playing house, most often this game usually leaves us petrified and anxious to move on with our lives because of the hurt and disappointments of the past, lets us stop making promises that we cannot keep, make your intentions clear about the person you are involved with so that the both of you can be on a same path. Love is not just a feeling it’s a practical thing. Love is beautiful…

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