black , white and green…are we not all human?

Are we not all human?

What makes a human a human? What makes us different from one another and what makes us stand out from the rest? Race, gender, language, customs or social standards but all these attributes makes us human being and we mustn’t be treated differently because of them. This is a controversial topic and I will not be biased on it because I feel that everyone has their own opinion that justifies their behaviour or even the treatment they get from their fellow being. We will look at the people who get affected by this matter and whether or not if it can be solved

Social media has been raving about the racial and gender issues and yes black people are taking a stand on the oppression they face on daily basis. As much as we say we are liberated we are still oppressed at our work places, on the streets, shopping mall government etc. the only thing that is different now about this is that it’s done under wraps compared to when it was during the apartheid era.

The funny part about this is that we all want green pastures and most of us will do whatever it’s needed to get point here is that even for us ‘victims’ we don’t fight for others to have what we poses but rather take more from them whether it be the little wealth they have or simple things like promotion. Listen this is a very volatile issue and I hope that no one takes offence

For me we are all victims whether you are black, white or green

There are White people jumping on the rights of black people because for whatever reason they might have, I don’t know if they think they are more appealing than blacks or they feel that their ancestors have bruised and abused blacks for them to be superior to the blacks and they won’t let them down they need to continue the legacy whatever!

We find black people who turn against each other because of the tradition they belong to Zulus feel that they need to be considered 1st that Sotho’s Xhosas etc. for their own reason laugh out loud maybe because the president is Xhosa and versa verse.

White and black relationships that are unacceptable to both whites and blacks, let us think of this for a moment many people have reconciled and have formed precious relationships in this whole chaos let’s consider them please, we have best buddies forever kind of relations, husband and wife colleagues and many more

Oppression! Why are we saying that we are oppressed especial here in southern Africa? Preference is given based on skin colour and gender as much as I’ve been denying it it’s a reality I came to think of this in a nation kind of angle; south Africans are known for not tolerating and hating on other nations Zimbabweans Nigerians Somalian etc. but why is that? Because they feel they can do it on others as it was done unto them

I pray that one day we see the light and learn that we can’t always have it all, stepping out of the line to harm and infringe on other people’s right is not on. Yes in my bubble world I believe in humanity, love and respect and one day South Africans (blacks and white) will come to see that really the fight is not worth fighting.


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